Source code for PVGeo._helpers.xml

# This file has a ton of convienance methods for generating extra XML for
# the pvpluginss
__all__ = [

from . import errors as _helpers

[docs] def get_python_path_property(): """Get the XML content for setting the Python path when making a ParaView plugin. """ return ''' <StringVectorProperty command="SetPythonPath" name="PythonPath" number_of_elements="1" panel_visibility="advanced"> <Documentation>A semi-colon (;) separated list of directories to add to the python library search path.</Documentation> </StringVectorProperty>'''
[docs] def get_reader_time_step_values(extensions, reader_description): """Get the XML content for reader time step values the Python path when making a ParaView plugin. """ return '''<DoubleVectorProperty name="TimestepValues" repeatable="1" information_only="1"> <TimeStepsInformationHelper/> <Documentation> Available timestep values. </Documentation> </DoubleVectorProperty> <Hints> <ReaderFactory extensions="%s" file_description="%s" /> </Hints> ''' % ( extensions, reader_description, )
[docs] def get_vtk_type_map(): """Get the the VTK Type Map as specified in ``vtkType.h``""" return { '': 8, # same as input 'vtkPolyData': 0, 'vtkStructuredPoints': 1, 'vtkStructuredGrid': 2, 'vtkRectilinearGrid': 3, 'vtkUnstructuredGrid': 4, 'vtkPiecewiseFunction': 5, 'vtkImageData': 6, 'vtkDataObject': 7, 'vtkPointSet': 9, 'vtkUniformGrid': 10, 'vtkCompositeDataSet': 11, #'vtkMultiGroupDataSet': 12, # obsolete 'vtkMultiBlockDataSet': 13, #'vtkHierarchicalDataSet': 14, # obsolete #'vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet': 15, # obsolete # 'vtkGenericDataSet': 16, # obsolete 'vtkHyperOctree': 17, #'vtkTemporalDataSet': 18, # obsolete 'vtkTable': 19, 'vtkGraph': 20, 'vtkTree': 21, }
[docs] def get_property_xml( name, command, default_values, panel_visibility='default', help='' ): """Get the XML content for a property of a parameter for a python data object when making a ParaView plugin. """ # A helper to build XML for any data type/method value = default_values def _prop_xml( typ, panel_visibility, name, command, default_values, num, help, extra='' ): return ''' <%sVectorProperty panel_visibility="%s" name="%s" label="%s" command="%s" default_values="%s" number_of_elements="%s"> %s <Documentation>%s</Documentation> </%sVectorProperty>''' % ( typ, panel_visibility, command, name, command, default_values, num, extra, help, typ, ) if isinstance(value, list): num = len(value) if not num > 0: raise AssertionError('length of values must be grater than 0') propertyType = type(value[0]) default_values = ' '.join([str(v) for v in value]) else: num = 1 propertyType = type(value) default_values = str(value) typ = '' extra = '' if propertyType is bool: typ = 'Int' extra = '<BooleanDomain name="bool" />' default_values = default_values.replace('True', '1').replace('False', '0') elif propertyType is float: typ = 'Double' elif propertyType is str: typ = 'String' elif propertyType is int: typ = 'Int' else: raise RuntimeError( 'get_property_xml(): Unknown property type: %r' % propertyType ) return _prop_xml( typ, panel_visibility, name, command, default_values, num, help, extra )
[docs] def get_file_reader_xml(extensions, reader_description='', command="AddFileName"): """Get the XML for a selectectable file for a reader when building a ParaView plugin Note: * Thanks: `Daan van Vugt`_ and for `his work here`_ * Modified by `Bane Sullivan`_ .. _Daan van Vugt: .. _his work here: .. _Bane Sullivan: """ return ''' <StringVectorProperty name="FileNames" label="File Names" animateable="0" number_of_elements="0" command="%s" clean_command="clear_file_names" repeat_command="1" panel_visibility="never"> <FileListDomain name="files"/> <Documentation> The list of files to be read by the reader. </Documentation> </StringVectorProperty> <Hints> <ReaderFactory extensions="%s" file_description="%s" /> </Hints>''' % ( command, extensions, reader_description, )
[docs] def get_drop_down_xml(name, command, labels, help='', values=None): """Get the XML content for a drop down menu when making a ParaView plugin.""" def _enum(labels, values=None): if values is None: values = range(len(labels)) els = [] for i, lab in enumerate(labels): els.append('<Entry value="%d" text="%s"/>' % (values[i], lab)) # formatter = r'%s\n'*len(els) dom = '''\ <EnumerationDomain name="enum">''' for el in els: dom += ( ''' %s''' % el ) dom += ''' </EnumerationDomain>''' return dom, values domain, values = _enum(labels, values) return '''\ <IntVectorProperty name="%s" command="%s" number_of_elements="1" default_values="%d"> %s <Documentation> %s </Documentation> </IntVectorProperty>''' % ( name, command, values[0], domain, help, )
[docs] def _help_arrays_xml(idx, input_name=None, label=None): """Internal helper""" if input_name is None: input_name = 'Input' if label is None: label = 'Array%d' % idx return ''' <StringVectorProperty name="SelectInputScalars%d" label="%s" command="SetInputArrayToProcess" default_values="%d NULL" number_of_elements="5" element_types="0 0 0 0 2" animateable="0"> <ArrayListDomain name="array_list" attribute_type="Scalars" input_domain_name="inputs_array"> <RequiredProperties> <Property name="%s" function="Input" /> </RequiredProperties> </ArrayListDomain> </StringVectorProperty>''' % ( idx, label, idx, input_name, )
[docs] def get_input_array_xml(labels=None, nInputPorts=1, n_arrays=1, input_names='Input'): """Get the XML content for an array selection drop down menu.""" def get_labels(labels): if labels is None and nInputPorts > 1: labels = [None] * nInputPorts return labels if nInputPorts > 1: for l in labels: if not isinstance(l, list): raise _helpers.PVGeoError( '`InputArrayLabels` is improperly structured. Must be a list of lists.' ) return labels labels = get_labels(labels) def fix_array_labels(labels, n_arrays): if n_arrays == 0: return '' if labels is None: labels = ['Array %d' % (i + 1) for i in range(n_arrays)] return labels if len(labels) < n_arrays: toadd = n_arrays - len(labels) for i in range(toadd): labels.append('Array %d' % (i + len(labels) + 1)) return labels # Recursively call for each input if nInputPorts > 1: if not isinstance(n_arrays, list): raise _helpers.PVGeoError( 'When multiple inputs, the `NumberOfInputArrayChoices` must be a list of ints for the number of arrays from each input.' ) if len(n_arrays) != nInputPorts: raise _helpers.PVGeoError( 'You must spectify how many arrays come from each input. `len(NumberOfInputArrayChoices) != nInputPorts`.' ) # Now perform recursion out = [] for i in range(nInputPorts): # Fix labels labs = fix_array_labels(labels[i], n_arrays[i]) xml = '' for j in range(n_arrays[i]): xml += _help_arrays_xml(i + j, input_name=input_names[i], label=labs[j]) out.append(xml) outstr = "\n".join(inp for inp in out) return outstr else: # Get parameters from info and call: labs = fix_array_labels(labels, n_arrays) xml = '' for j in range(n_arrays): xml += _help_arrays_xml(j, input_name=None, label=labs[j]) return xml