Source code for PVGeo.filters.math

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = 'Math Operations'

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
import vtk
from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa

from .. import _helpers, interface
from ..base import FilterBase, FilterPreserveTypeBase


# ---- ArrayMath ----#
[docs] class ArrayMath(FilterPreserveTypeBase): """This filter allows the user to select two input data arrays on which to perform math operations. The input arrays are used in their order of selection for the operations. Args: multiplier (float) : a static shifter/scale factor across the array after normalization. new_name (str): The new array's string name operation (str, int, or callable): The operation as a string key, int index, or callable method **Available Math Operations:** - `add`: This adds the two data arrays together - `subtract`: This subtracts input array 2 from input array 1 - `multiply`: Multiplies the two data arrays together - `divide`: Divide input array 1 by input array 2 (arr1/arr2) - `correlate`: Use `np.correlate(arr1, arr2, mode='same')` """ __displayname__ = 'Array Math' __category__ = 'filter' def __init__(self, **kwargs): FilterPreserveTypeBase.__init__(self) # Parameters: self.__multiplier = kwargs.get('multiplier', 1.0) self.__new_name = kwargs.get('new_name', 'Mathed Up') self.__input_array_1 = [None, None] self.__input_array_2 = [None, None] # Convert operation to callable method op = kwargs.get('operation', 'add') if isinstance(op, (str, int)): op = self.get_operation(op) self.__operation = op
[docs] @staticmethod def _correlate(arr1, arr2): """Use ``np.correlate()`` on ``mode='same'`` on two selected arrays from one input. """ return np.correlate(arr1, arr2, mode='same')
[docs] @staticmethod def _multiply(arr1, arr2): """Mutlipies two input NumPy arrays""" return arr1 * arr2
[docs] @staticmethod def _divide(arr1, arr2): """Divides two input NumPy arrays""" return arr1 / arr2
[docs] @staticmethod def _add(arr1, arr2): """Adds two input NumPy arrays""" return arr1 + arr2
[docs] @staticmethod def _subtract(arr1, arr2): """Subtracts two input NumPy arrays""" return arr1 - arr2
[docs] @staticmethod def get_operations(): """Returns the math operation methods as callable objects in a dictionary """ ops = dict( add=ArrayMath._add, subtract=ArrayMath._subtract, multiply=ArrayMath._multiply, divide=ArrayMath._divide, correlate=ArrayMath._correlate, ) return ops
[docs] @staticmethod def get_operation_names(): """Gets a list of the math operation keys Return: list(str): the keys for getting the math operations """ ops = ArrayMath.get_operations() return list(ops.keys())
[docs] @staticmethod def get_operation(idx): """Gets a math operation based on an index in the keys Return: callable: the math operation method """ if isinstance(idx, str): return ArrayMath.get_operations()[idx] n = ArrayMath.get_operation_names()[idx] return ArrayMath.get_operations()[n]
[docs] def _math_up(self, pdi, pdo): """Make sure to pass array names and integer associated fields. Use helpers to get these properties. """ if pdo is None: # TODO: test this pdo = pdi.DeepCopy() # Get the input arrays field1, name1 = self.__input_array_1[0], self.__input_array_1[1] field2, name2 = self.__input_array_2[0], self.__input_array_2[1] wpdi = dsa.WrapDataObject(pdi) arr1 = _helpers.get_numpy_array(wpdi, field1, name1) arr2 = _helpers.get_numpy_array(wpdi, field2, name2) # Perform Math Operation carr = self.__operation(arr1, arr2) # apply the multiplier carr *= self.__multiplier # If no name given for data by user, use operator name new_name = self.__new_name if new_name == '': new_name = 'Mathed Up' # Convert to a VTK array c = interface.convert_array(carr, name=new_name) # Build output pdo.DeepCopy(pdi) pdo = _helpers.add_array(pdo, field1, c) return pdo
#### Algorithm Methods ####
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to perform operation and generate output""" # Get input/output of Proxy pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) # Perform task self._math_up(pdi, pdo) return 1
#### Setters and Getters ####
[docs] def _set_input_array_1(self, field, name): """Set 1st input array by name and field""" if self.__input_array_1[0] != field: self.__input_array_1[0] = field self.Modified() if self.__input_array_1[1] != name: self.__input_array_1[1] = name self.Modified()
[docs] def _set_input_array_2(self, field, name): """Set 2nd input array by name and field""" if self.__input_array_2[0] != field: self.__input_array_2[0] = field self.Modified() if self.__input_array_2[1] != name: self.__input_array_2[1] = name self.Modified()
[docs] def SetInputArrayToProcess(self, idx, port, connection, field, name): """Used to set the input array(s) Args: idx (int): the index of the array to process port (int): input port (use 0 if unsure) connection (int): the connection on the port (use 0 if unsure) field (int): the array field (0 for points, 1 for cells, 2 for field, and 6 for row) name (int): the name of the array """ if idx == 0: self._set_input_array_1(field, name) elif idx == 1: self._set_input_array_2(field, name) else: raise _helpers.PVGeoError( 'SetInputArrayToProcess() do not know how to handle idx: %d' % idx ) return 1
[docs] def apply(self, input_data_object, array_name_0, array_name_1): """Run the algorithm on an input data object, specifying array names""" self.SetInputDataObject(input_data_object) arr0, field0 = _helpers.search_for_array(input_data_object, array_name_0) arr1, field1 = _helpers.search_for_array(input_data_object, array_name_1) self.SetInputArrayToProcess(0, 0, 0, field0, array_name_0) self.SetInputArrayToProcess(1, 0, 0, field1, array_name_1) self.Update() return pv.wrap(self.GetOutput())
[docs] def set_multiplier(self, val): """This is a static shifter/scale factor across the array after normalization. """ if self.__multiplier != val: self.__multiplier = val self.Modified()
[docs] def get_multiplier(self): """Return the set multiplier/scalar""" return self.__multiplier
[docs] def set_new_array_name(self, name): """Give the new array a meaningful name.""" if self.__new_name != name: self.__new_name = name self.Modified()
[docs] def get_new_array_name(self): """Get the name used for the new array""" return self.__new_name
[docs] def set_operation(self, op): """Set the math operation to perform Args: op (str, int, or callable): The operation as a string key, int index, or callable method Note: This can accept a callable method to set a custom operation as long as its signature is: ``<callable>(arr1, arr2)`` """ if isinstance(op, str): op = ArrayMath.get_operations()[op] elif isinstance(op, int): op = ArrayMath.get_operation(op) if self.__operation != op: self.__operation = op self.Modified()
############################################################################### # ---- Normalizations ----#
[docs] class NormalizeArray(FilterPreserveTypeBase): """This filter allows the user to select an array from the input data set to be normalized. The filter will append another array to that data set for the output. The user can specify how they want to rename the array, can choose a multiplier, and can choose from several types of common normalizations (more functionality added as requested). Args: multiplier (float) : a static shifter/scale factor across the array after normalization. new_name (str): The new array's string name absolute (bool): normalization (str, int, or callable): The operation as a string key, integer index, or callable method **Normalization Types:** - `feature_scale`: Feature Scale - `standard_score`: tandard Score - `log10`: Natural Log - `natural_log`: Log Base 10 - `just_multiply`: Only Multiply by Multiplier """ __displayname__ = 'Normalize Array' __category__ = 'filter' def __init__(self, **kwargs): FilterPreserveTypeBase.__init__(self) # Parameters: self.__multiplier = kwargs.get('multiplier', 1.0) self.__new_name = kwargs.get('new_name', 'Normalized') self.__absolute = kwargs.get('absolute', False) self.__input_array = [None, None] # Convert operation to callable method op = kwargs.get('normalization', 'feature_scale') if isinstance(op, (str, int)): op = self.get_normalization(op) self.__normalization = op self.__shift = 0.0 #### Array normalization methods ####
[docs] @staticmethod def _pass_array(arr): """Cast an input array as a NumPy array""" return np.array(arr)
[docs] @staticmethod def _feature_scale(arr, rng=None): """Returns feature scale normalization of input array""" # TODO: implement ability to use custom range if rng is not None: mi = rng[0] ma = rng[1] else: mi = np.nanmin(arr) ma = np.nanmax(arr) return (arr - mi) / (ma - mi)
[docs] @staticmethod def _standard_score(arr): """Returns standard score normalization of input array""" return (arr - np.mean(arr)) / (np.std(arr))
[docs] @staticmethod def _log10(arr): """Returns log base 10 of input array""" return np.log10(arr)
[docs] @staticmethod def _log_nat(arr): """Returns natural logarithm of input array""" return np.log(arr)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_normalizations(): """All Available normalizations Return: dict: dictionary of callable methods for normalizing an array """ ops = dict( feature_scale=NormalizeArray._feature_scale, standard_score=NormalizeArray._standard_score, log10=NormalizeArray._log10, natural_log=NormalizeArray._log_nat, just_multiply=NormalizeArray._pass_array, ) return ops
[docs] @staticmethod def get_normalization_names(): """Gets a list of the normalization keys Return: list(str): the keys for getting the normalizations """ ops = NormalizeArray.get_normalizations() return list(ops.keys())
[docs] @staticmethod def get_normalization(idx): """Gets a normalization based on an index in the keys Return: callable: the normalization method """ if isinstance(idx, str): return NormalizeArray.get_normalizations()[idx] n = NormalizeArray.get_normalization_names()[idx] return NormalizeArray.get_normalizations()[n]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_array_range(pdi, field, name): """Returns a tuple of the range for a ``vtkDataArray`` on a ``vtkDataObject``. """ wpdi = dsa.WrapDataObject(pdi) arr = _helpers.get_numpy_array(wpdi, field, name) arr = np.array(arr) return (np.nanmin(arr), np.nanmax(arr))
[docs] def _normalize(self, pdi, pdo): """Perform normalize on a data array for any given VTK data object.""" # Get input array field, name = self.__input_array[0], self.__input_array[1] # self.__range = NormalizeArray.get_array_range(pdi, field, name) wpdi = dsa.WrapDataObject(pdi) arr = _helpers.get_numpy_array(wpdi, field, name) arr = np.array(arr, dtype=float) # Take absolute value? if self.__absolute: arr = np.abs(arr) arr += self.__shift # Perform normalization scheme arr = self.__normalization(arr) # apply the multiplier arr *= self.__multiplier # If no name given for data by user, use operator name new_name = self.__new_name if new_name == '': new_name = 'Normalized ' + name # Convert to VTK array c = interface.convert_array(arr, name=new_name) # Build output pdo.DeepCopy(pdi) pdo = _helpers.add_array(pdo, field, c) return pdo
#### Algorithm Methods ####
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to generate output""" # Get input/output of Proxy pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) # Perform task self._normalize(pdi, pdo) return 1
#### Setters and Getters ####
[docs] def SetInputArrayToProcess(self, idx, port, connection, field, name): """Used to set the input array(s) Args: idx (int): the index of the array to process port (int): input port (use 0 if unsure) connection (int): the connection on the port (use 0 if unsure) field (int): the array field (0 for points, 1 for cells, 2 for field, and 6 for row) name (int): the name of the array """ if self.__input_array[0] != field: self.__input_array[0] = field self.Modified() if self.__input_array[1] != name: self.__input_array[1] = name self.Modified() return 1
[docs] def apply(self, input_data_object, array_name): """Run the algorithm on an input data object, specifying the array""" self.SetInputDataObject(input_data_object) arr, field = _helpers.search_for_array(input_data_object, array_name) self.SetInputArrayToProcess(0, 0, 0, field, array_name) self.Update() return pv.wrap(self.GetOutput())
[docs] def set_multiplier(self, val): """This is a static shifter/scale factor across the array after normalization. """ if self.__multiplier != val: self.__multiplier = val self.Modified()
[docs] def get_multiplier(self): """Return the set multiplier/scalar""" return self.__multiplier
[docs] def set_new_array_name(self, name): """Give the new array a meaningful name.""" if self.__new_name != name: self.__new_name = name self.Modified()
[docs] def get_new_array_name(self): """Get the name of the new array""" return self.__new_name
[docs] def set_take_absolute_value(self, flag): """This will take the absolute value of the array before normalization.""" if self.__absolute != flag: self.__absolute = flag self.Modified()
[docs] def set_normalization(self, norm): """Set the normalization operation to perform Args: norm (str, int, or callable): The operation as a string key, int index, or callable method Note: This can accept a callable method to set a custom operation as long as its signature is: ``<callable>(arr)`` """ if isinstance(norm, str): norm = NormalizeArray.get_normalizations()[norm] elif isinstance(norm, int): norm = NormalizeArray.get_normalization(norm) if self.__normalization != norm: self.__normalization = norm self.Modified()
[docs] def set_shift(self, sft): """Set a static shifter to the input data array""" if self.__shift != sft: self.__shift = sft self.Modified()
[docs] class PercentThreshold(FilterBase): """Allows user to select a percent of the data range to threshold. This will find the data range of the selected input array and remove the bottom percent. This can be reversed using the invert property. """ __displayname__ = 'Percent Threshold' __category__ = 'filter' def __init__(self, percent=50, invert=False, **kwargs): FilterBase.__init__( self, inputType='vtkDataSet', outputType='vtkUnstructuredGrid', **kwargs ) self.__invert = invert if percent < 1.0: percent *= 100 self.__percent = percent # NOTE: not decimal percent self.__filter = vtk.vtkThreshold() self.__input_array = [None, None]
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline for execution""" # Get input/output of Proxy pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) self.__filter.SetInputDataObject(pdi) pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) # Get Input Array field, name = self.__input_array[0], self.__input_array[1] wpdi = dsa.WrapDataObject(pdi) arr = _helpers.get_numpy_array(wpdi, field, name) dmin, dmax = np.nanmin(arr), np.nanmax(arr) val = dmin + (self.__percent / 100.0) * (dmax - dmin) if self.__invert: if hasattr(self.__filter, 'SetLowerThreshold'): self.__filter.SetLowerThreshold(val) else: self.__filter.ThresholdByLower(val) else: if hasattr(self.__filter, 'SetUpperThreshold'): self.__filter.SetUpperThreshold(val) else: self.__filter.ThresholdByUpper(val) self.__filter.Update() filt = self.__filter.GetOutputDataObject(0) pdo.ShallowCopy(filt) return 1
[docs] def SetInputArrayToProcess(self, idx, port, connection, field, name): """Used to set the input array(s) Args: idx (int): the index of the array to process port (int): input port (use 0 if unsure) connection (int): the connection on the port (use 0 if unsure) field (int): the array field (0 for points, 1 for cells, 2 for field, and 6 for row) name (int): the name of the array """ if self.__input_array[0] != field or self.__input_array[1] != name: self.__input_array[0] = field self.__input_array[1] = name self.__filter.SetInputArrayToProcess(idx, port, connection, field, name) self.Modified() return 1
[docs] def set_percent(self, percent): """Set the percent for the threshold in range (0, 100). Any values falling beneath the set percent of the total data range will be removed.""" if self.__percent != percent: self.__percent = percent self.Modified()
[docs] def set_use_continuous_cell_range(self, flag): """If this is on (default is off), we will use the continuous interval [minimum cell scalar, maxmimum cell scalar] to intersect the threshold bound , rather than the set of discrete scalar values from the vertices""" return self.__filter.SetUseContinuousCellRange(flag)
[docs] def set_invert(self, flag): """Use to invert the threshold filter""" if self.__invert != flag: self.__invert = flag self.Modified()
[docs] def apply(self, input_data_object, array_name): """Run the algorithm on an input data object, specifying the array""" self.SetInputDataObject(input_data_object) arr, field = _helpers.search_for_array(input_data_object, array_name) self.SetInputArrayToProcess(0, 0, 0, field, array_name) self.Update() return pv.wrap(self.GetOutput())
[docs] class ArraysToRGBA(FilterPreserveTypeBase): """Use arrays from input data object to set an RGBA array. Sets colors and transparencies. """ __displayname__ = 'Arrays To RGBA' __category__ = 'filter' def __init__(self, **kwargs): FilterPreserveTypeBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.__use_trans = False self.__r_array = [None, None] self.__g_array = [None, None] self.__b_array = [None, None] self.__a_array = [None, None] self.__field = None self.__mask = -9999
[docs] def _get_arrays(self, wpdi): """Internal helper to fetch RGBA arrays""" # Get Red fieldr, name = self.__r_array[0], self.__r_array[1] r_arr = _helpers.get_numpy_array(wpdi, fieldr, name) # Get Green fieldg, name = self.__g_array[0], self.__g_array[1] g_arr = _helpers.get_numpy_array(wpdi, fieldg, name) # Get Blue fieldb, name = self.__b_array[0], self.__b_array[1] b_arr = _helpers.get_numpy_array(wpdi, fieldb, name) # Get Trans fielda, name = self.__a_array[0], self.__a_array[1] a_arr = _helpers.get_numpy_array(wpdi, fielda, name) if fieldr != fieldg != fieldb: # != fielda raise _helpers.PVGeoError('Data arrays must be of the same field.') self.__field = fieldr return r_arr, g_arr, b_arr, a_arr
[docs] def _mask_arrays(self, r_arr, g_arr, b_arr, a_arr): """Internal helper to mask RGBA arrays""" r_arr = == self.__mask, r_arr) g_arr = == self.__mask, g_arr) b_arr = == self.__mask, b_arr) a_arr = == self.__mask, a_arr) return r_arr, g_arr, b_arr, a_arr
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Execute on pipeline""" # Get input/output of Proxy pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) wpdi = dsa.WrapDataObject(pdi) # Get number of points pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) # Get the arrays for the RGB values r_arr, g_arr, b_arr, a_arr = self._get_arrays(wpdi) r_arr, g_arr, b_arr, a_arr = self._mask_arrays(r_arr, g_arr, b_arr, a_arr) # normalize each color array between 0 and 255 r_arr = NormalizeArray._feature_scale(r_arr, [0, 255]) g_arr = NormalizeArray._feature_scale(g_arr, [0, 255]) b_arr = NormalizeArray._feature_scale(b_arr, [0, 255]) # Now concatenate the arrays if self.__use_trans: a_arr = NormalizeArray._feature_scale(a_arr, [0, 255]) col = np.array(np.c_[r_arr, g_arr, b_arr, a_arr], dtype=np.uint8) else: col = np.array(np.c_[r_arr, g_arr, b_arr], dtype=np.uint8) colors = interface.convert_array(col, name='Colors') # Set the output pdo.DeepCopy(pdi) # Add new color array _helpers.add_array(pdo, self.__field, colors) return 1
#### Setters and Getters ####
[docs] def set_use_transparency(self, flag): """Set a boolean flag on whether or not to use a transparency component""" if self.__use_trans != flag: self.__use_trans = flag self.Modified()
[docs] def set_mask_value(self, val): """Set the value to mask in the RGBA arrays""" if self.__mask != val: self.__mask = val self.Modified()
[docs] def _set_input_array_red(self, field, name): """Set field and name of red array""" if self.__r_array[0] != field: self.__r_array[0] = field self.Modified() if self.__r_array[1] != name: self.__r_array[1] = name self.Modified()
[docs] def _set_input_array_green(self, field, name): """Set field and name of green array""" if self.__g_array[0] != field: self.__g_array[0] = field self.Modified() if self.__g_array[1] != name: self.__g_array[1] = name self.Modified()
[docs] def _set_input_array_blue(self, field, name): """Set field and name of blue array""" if self.__b_array[0] != field: self.__b_array[0] = field self.Modified() if self.__b_array[1] != name: self.__b_array[1] = name self.Modified()
[docs] def _set_input_array_trans(self, field, name): """Set field and name of transparency array""" if self.__a_array[0] != field: self.__a_array[0] = field self.Modified() if self.__a_array[1] != name: self.__a_array[1] = name self.Modified()
[docs] def SetInputArrayToProcess(self, idx, port, connection, field, name): """Used to set the input array(s) Args: idx (int): the index of the array to process port (int): input port (use 0 if unsure) connection (int): the connection on the port (use 0 if unsure) field (int): the array field (0 for points, 1 for cells, 2 for field, and 6 for row) name (int): the name of the array """ if idx == 0: self._set_input_array_red(field, name) elif idx == 1: self._set_input_array_green(field, name) elif idx == 2: self._set_input_array_blue(field, name) elif idx == 3: self._set_input_array_trans(field, name) else: raise _helpers.PVGeoError( 'SetInputArrayToProcess() do not know how to handle idx: %d' % idx ) return 1
[docs] def apply(self, input_data_object, r_array, g_array, b_array, a_array=None): """Run the algorithm on an input data object, specifying RGBA array names""" self.SetInputDataObject(input_data_object) r_arr, rField = _helpers.search_for_array(input_data_object, r_array) g_arr, gField = _helpers.search_for_array(input_data_object, g_array) b_arr, bField = _helpers.search_for_array(input_data_object, b_array) if a_array is not None: a_arr, aField = _helpers.search_for_array(input_data_object, a_array) self.SetInputArrayToProcess(3, 0, 0, aField, a_array) self.set_use_transparency(True) self.SetInputArrayToProcess(0, 0, 0, rField, r_array) self.SetInputArrayToProcess(1, 0, 0, gField, g_array) self.SetInputArrayToProcess(2, 0, 0, bField, b_array) self.Update() return pv.wrap(self.GetOutput())