__all__ = [
__displayname__ = 'Slicing'
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
import vtk
from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa
from .. import _helpers
from ..base import FilterBase
class _SliceBase(FilterBase):
"""A helper class for making slicing fileters
* Make sure the input data source is slice-able.
* The SciPy module is required for this filter.
__displayname__ = 'Base Slicing Filter'
__category__ = 'filter'
def __init__(
# Parameters
self.__n_slices = n_slices
def _generate_plane(origin, normal):
"""Internal helper to build a ``vtkPlane`` for the cutter"""
# Get the slicing Plane:
plane = vtk.vtkPlane() # Construct the plane object
# Set the origin... needs to be inside of the grid
plane.SetOrigin(origin[0], origin[1], origin[2])
# set normal of that plane so we look at XZ section
return plane
def _slice(pdi, pdo, plane):
"""Slice an input on a plane and produce the output"""
# create slice
cutter = vtk.vtkCutter() # Construct the cutter object
cutter.SetInputData(pdi) # Use the grid as the data we desire to cut
cutter.SetCutFunction(plane) # the the cutter to use the plane we made
cutter.Update() # Perform the Cut
slc = cutter.GetOutput() # grab the output
return pdo
def get_number_of_slices(self):
"""Return the number of slices generated by this algorithm"""
return self.__n_slices
def set_number_of_slices(self, num):
"""Set the number of slices generated by this algorithm"""
if self.__n_slices != num:
self.__n_slices = num
class ManySlicesAlongPoints(_SliceBase):
"""Takes a series of points and a data source to be sliced. The points are
used to construct a path through the data source and a slice is added at
intervals of that path along the vector of that path at that point. This
constructs many slices through the input dataset as a merged
* Make sure the input data source is slice-able.
* The SciPy module is required for this filter.
__displayname__ = 'Many Slices Along Points'
__category__ = 'filter'
def __init__(self, n_slices=5, nearest_nbr=True, outputType='vtkMultiBlockDataSet'):
self.__useNearestNbr = nearest_nbr
# CRITICAL for multiple input ports
def _get_planes(self, pts):
"""Internal helper to generate planes for the slices"""
# sklearn's KDTree is faster: use it if available
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree as Tree
except ImportError:
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as Tree
if self.get_number_of_slices() == 0:
return []
# Get the Points over the NumPy interface
wpdi = dsa.WrapDataObject(pts) # NumPy wrapped points
points = np.array(
) # New NumPy array of points so we dont destroy input
numPoints = pts.GetNumberOfPoints()
if self.__useNearestNbr:
tree = Tree(points)
ptsi = tree.query([points[0]], k=numPoints)[1].ravel()
ptsi = [i for i in range(numPoints)]
# Iterate points in order (skips last point):
planes = []
for i in range(0, numPoints - 1, numPoints // self.get_number_of_slices()):
# get normal
pts1 = points[ptsi[i]]
pts2 = points[ptsi[i + 1]]
x1, y1, z1 = pts1[0], pts1[1], pts1[2]
x2, y2, z2 = pts2[0], pts2[1], pts2[2]
normal = [x2 - x1, y2 - y1, z2 - z1]
# create plane
plane = self._generate_plane([x1, y1, z1], normal)
return planes
def _get_slice(self, pts, data, planes, output):
"""Internal helper to perform the filter"""
# numPoints = pts.GetNumberOfPoints()
# Set number of blocks based on user choice in the selection
blk = 0
for i, plane in enumerate(planes):
temp = vtk.vtkPolyData()
self._slice(data, temp, plane)
output.SetBlock(blk, temp)
vtk.vtkCompositeDataSet.NAME(), 'Slice%.2d' % blk
blk += 1
return output
def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo):
"""Used by pipeline to generate output"""
# Get input/output of Proxy
pts = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) # Port 0: points
data = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 1, 0) # Port 1: sliceable data
output = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet.GetData(outInfo, 0)
# Perform task
planes = self._get_planes(pts)
self._get_slice(pts, data, planes, output)
return 1
#### Setters / Getters ####
def set_use_nearest_nbr(self, flag):
"""Set a flag on whether to use SciPy's nearest neighbor approximation
when generating the slicing path
if self.__useNearestNbr != flag:
self.__useNearestNbr = flag
def apply(self, points, data):
"""Run the algorithm along some points for the given input data"""
self.SetInputDataObject(0, points)
self.SetInputDataObject(1, data)
return pv.wrap(self.GetOutput())
class SlideSliceAlongPoints(ManySlicesAlongPoints):
"""Takes a series of points and a data source to be sliced. The points are
used to construct a path through the data source and a slice is added at
specified locations along that path along the vector of that path at that
point. This constructs one slice through the input dataset which the user
can translate via a slider bar in ParaView.
* Make sure the input data source is slice-able.
* The SciPy module is required for this filter.
__displayname__ = 'Slide Slice Along Points'
__category__ = 'filter'
def __init__(self, n_slices=5, nearest_nbr=True):
ManySlicesAlongPoints.__init__(self, outputType='vtkPolyData')
self.__planes = None
self.__loc = 50 # Percent (halfway)
def _get_slice(self, pts, data, planes, output):
"""Internal helper to perform the filter"""
if not isinstance(planes, vtk.vtkPlane):
raise _helpers.PVGeoError('``_get_slice`` can only handle one plane.')
# numPoints = pts.GetNumberOfPoints()
# Set number of blocks based on user choice in the selection
self._slice(data, output, planes)
return output
def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo):
"""Used by pipeline to generate output"""
# Get input/output of Proxy
pts = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) # Port 0: points
data = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 1, 0) # Port 1: sliceable data
output = vtk.vtkPolyData.GetData(outInfo, 0)
# Perform task
if self.__planes is None or len(self.__planes) < 1:
self.__planes = self._get_planes(pts)
idx = int(np.floor(pts.GetNumberOfPoints() * float(self.__loc / 100.0)))
self._get_slice(pts, data, self.__planes[idx], output)
return 1
def set_location(self, loc):
"""Set the location along the input line for the slice location as a
percent (0, 99)."""
if loc > 99 or loc < 0:
raise _helpers.PVGeoError(
'Location must be given as a percentage along input path.'
if self.__loc != loc:
self.__loc = loc
def get_location(self):
"""Return the current location along the input line for the slice"""
return self.__loc
class ManySlicesAlongAxis(_SliceBase):
"""Slices a ``vtkDataSet`` along a given axis many times.
This produces a specified number of slices at once each with a normal vector
oriented along the axis of choice and spaced uniformly through the range of
the dataset on the chosen axis.
pad (float): Padding as a percentage (0.0, 1.0)
__displayname__ = 'Many Slices Along Axis'
__category__ = 'filter'
def __init__(
self, n_slices=5, axis=0, rng=None, pad=0.01, outputType='vtkMultiBlockDataSet'
# Parameters
self.__axis = axis
self.__rng = rng
self.__pad = pad
def _get_origin(self, pdi, idx):
"""Internal helper to get plane origin"""
og = list(self.get_input_center(pdi))
og[self.__axis] = self.__rng[idx]
return og
def get_normal(self):
"""Get the normal of the slicing plane"""
norm = [0, 0, 0]
norm[self.__axis] = 1
return norm
def _set_axial_range(self, pdi):
"""Internal helper to set the slicing range along the set axis"""
bounds = self.get_input_bounds(pdi)
padding = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * self.__pad # get percent padding
self.__rng = np.linspace(
bounds[0] + padding, bounds[1] - padding, num=self.get_number_of_slices()
def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo):
"""Used by pipeline to generate output"""
# Get input/output of Proxy
pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0)
# Get output:
# output = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0)
output = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet.GetData(outInfo, 0)
normal = self.get_normal()
# Perform task
# Set number of blocks based on user choice in the selection
blk = 0
for i in range(self.get_number_of_slices()):
temp = vtk.vtkPolyData()
origin = self._get_origin(pdi, i)
plane = self._generate_plane(origin, normal)
# Perform slice for that index
self._slice(pdi, temp, plane)
output.SetBlock(blk, temp)
output.GetMetaData(blk).Set(vtk.vtkCompositeDataSet.NAME(), 'Slice%.2d' % i)
blk += 1
return 1
#### Setters / Getters ####
def set_axis(self, axis):
"""Set the axis on which to slice
axis (int): the axial index (0, 1, 2) = (x, y, z)
if axis not in (0, 1, 2):
raise _helpers.PVGeoError('Axis choice must be 0, 1, or 2 (x, y, or z)')
if self.__axis != axis:
self.__axis = axis
def get_range(self):
"""Get the slicing range for the set axis"""
return self.__rng
def get_axis(self):
"""Get the set axis to slice upon as int index (0,1,2)"""
return self.__axis
def set_padding(self, pad):
"""Set the percent padding for the slices on the edges"""
if self.__pad != pad:
self.__pad = pad
class SliceThroughTime(ManySlicesAlongAxis):
"""Takes a sliceable ``vtkDataSet`` and progresses a slice of it along a
given axis. The macro requires that the clip already exist in the pipeline.
This is especially useful if you have many clips linked together as all will
move through the seen as a result of this macro.
__displayname__ = 'Slice Through Time'
__category__ = 'filter'
def __init__(
self, n_slices=n_slices, axis=axis, rng=rng, outputType='vtkPolyData'
# Parameters
self.__dt = dt
self.__timesteps = None
def _update_time_steps(self):
"""For internal use only"""
self.__timesteps = _helpers.update_time_steps(
self, self.get_number_of_slices(), self.__dt
#### Algorithm Methods ####
def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo):
"""Used by pipeline to generate output"""
# Get input/output of Proxy
pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0)
pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0)
i = _helpers.get_requested_time(self, outInfo)
# Perform task
normal = self.get_normal()
origin = self._get_origin(pdi, i)
plane = self._generate_plane(origin, normal)
self._slice(pdi, pdo, plane)
return 1
#### Public Setters / Getters ####
def set_number_of_slices(self, num):
"""Set the number of slices/timesteps to generate"""
ManySlicesAlongAxis.set_number_of_slices(self, num)
def set_time_delta(self, dt):
Set the time step interval in seconds
if self.__dt != dt:
self.__dt = dt
def get_time_step_values(self):
"""Use this in ParaView decorator to register timesteps"""
return self.__timesteps.tolist() if self.__timesteps is not None else None