Source code for PVGeo.filters.tables

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = 'Table Operations'

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
import vtk
from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa

from .. import _helpers, interface
from ..base import FilterBase, FilterPreserveTypeBase



[docs] class CombineTables(FilterBase): """Takes two tables and combines them if they have the same number of rows. Currently this cannot handle time varying tables as that gets complicated really quickly if the tables do not have the same timestep values """ __displayname__ = 'Combine Tables' __category__ = 'filter' def __init__(self): FilterBase.__init__( self, nInputPorts=2, inputType='vtkTable', nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkTable', ) # Parameters... none # CRITICAL for multiple input ports
[docs] def FillInputPortInformation(self, port, info): """Used by pipeline. Necessary when dealing with multiple input ports""" # all are tables so no need to check port info.Set(self.INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkTable") return 1
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to generate output""" # Inputs from different ports: pdi0 = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) pdi1 = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 1, 0) pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) pdo.DeepCopy(pdi0) # Get number of rows nrows = pdi0.GetNumberOfRows() nrows1 = pdi1.GetNumberOfRows() if not (nrows == nrows1): raise AssertionError('Tables must have the same number of rows') for i in range(pdi1.GetRowData().GetNumberOfArrays()): arr = pdi1.GetRowData().GetArray(i) pdo.GetRowData().AddArray(arr) return 1
[docs] def apply(self, table0, table1): """Run the algorithm on the two input tables""" self.SetInputDataObject(0, table0) self.SetInputDataObject(1, table1) self.Update() return pv.wrap(self.GetOutput())
############################################################################### # ---- Reshape Table ----#
[docs] class ReshapeTable(FilterBase): """This filter will take a ``vtkTable`` object and reshape it. This filter essentially treats ``vtkTable``s as 2D matrices and reshapes them using ``numpy.reshape`` in a C contiguous manner. Unfortunately, data fields will be renamed arbitrarily because VTK data arrays require a name. """ __displayname__ = 'Reshape Table' __category__ = 'filter' def __init__(self, **kwargs): FilterBase.__init__( self, nInputPorts=1, inputType='vtkTable', nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkTable', ) # Parameters self.__nrows = kwargs.get('nrows', 1) self.__ncols = kwargs.get('ncols', 1) self.__names = kwargs.get('names', []) self.__order = kwargs.get('order', 'F')
[docs] def _reshape(self, pdi, pdo): """Internal helper to perform the reshape""" # Get number of columns cols = pdi.GetNumberOfColumns() # Get number of rows rows = pdi.GetColumn(0).GetNumberOfTuples() if len(self.__names) != 0: num = len(self.__names) if num < self.__ncols: for i in range(num, self.__ncols): self.__names.append('Field %d' % i) elif num > self.__ncols: raise _helpers.PVGeoError( 'Too many array names. `ncols` specified as %d and %d names given.' % (self.__ncols, num) ) else: self.__names = ['Field %d' % i for i in range(self.__ncols)] # Make a 2D numpy array and fill with data from input table data = np.empty((rows, cols)) for i in range(cols): c = pdi.GetColumn(i) data[:, i] = interface.convert_array(c) if (self.__ncols * self.__nrows) != (cols * rows): raise _helpers.PVGeoError( 'Total number of elements must remain %d. Check reshape dimensions.' % (cols * rows) ) # Use numpy.reshape() to reshape data NOTE: only 2D because it is a table # NOTE: column access of this reshape is not contiguous data = np.array( np.reshape(data.flatten(), (self.__nrows, self.__ncols), order=self.__order) ) pdo.SetNumberOfRows(self.__nrows) # Add new array to output table and assign incremental names (e.g. Field0) for i in range(self.__ncols): # Make a contiguous array from the column we want col = np.array(data[:, i]) # allow type to be determined by input # VTK arrays need a name. Set arbitrarily insert = interface.convert_array( col, name=self.__names[i] ) # array_type=vtk.VTK_FLOAT # pdo.AddColumn(insert) # these are not getting added to the output table # ... work around: pdo.GetRowData().AddArray(insert) # NOTE: this is in the FieldData return pdo
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline""" # Get input/output of Proxy pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) # Perform task self._reshape(pdi, pdo) return 1
#### Setters and Getters ####
[docs] def set_names(self, names): """Set names using a semicolon (;) separated string or a list of strings Args: names (string): a string of data array names for the reshaped table using a semicolon (;) to spearate """ # parse the names (a semicolon separated list of names) if isinstance(names, str): names = names.split(';') if self.__names != names: self.__names = names self.Modified()
[docs] def add_name(self, name): """Use to append a name to the list of data array names for the output table. """ self.__names.append(name) self.Modified()
[docs] def get_names(self): """Returns a list of the names given to the new arrays""" return self.__names
[docs] def set_number_of_columns(self, ncols): """Set the number of columns for the output ``vtkTable``""" if isinstance(ncols, float): ncols = int(ncols) if self.__ncols != ncols: self.__ncols = ncols self.Modified()
[docs] def set_number_of_rows(self, nrows): """Set the number of rows for the output ``vtkTable``""" if isinstance(nrows, float): nrows = int(nrows) if self.__nrows != nrows: self.__nrows = nrows self.Modified()
[docs] def set_order(self, order): """Set the reshape order (``'C'`` of ``'F'``)""" if self.__order != order: self.__order = order self.Modified()
[docs] class ExtractArray(FilterBase): """Extract an array from a ``vtkDataSet`` and make a ``vtkTable`` of it.""" __displayname__ = 'Extract Array' __category__ = 'filter' def __init__(self): FilterBase.__init__( self, nInputPorts=1, inputType='vtkDataSet', nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkTable', ) self.__input_array = [None, None]
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to generate output""" # Inputs from different ports: pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) table = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) # Note user has to select a single array to save out field, name = self.__input_array[0], self.__input_array[1] vtkarr = _helpers.get_vtk_array(pdi, field, name) table.GetRowData().AddArray(vtkarr) return 1
[docs] def SetInputArrayToProcess(self, idx, port, connection, field, name): """Used to set the input array(s) Args: idx (int): the index of the array to process port (int): input port (use 0 if unsure) connection (int): the connection on the port (use 0 if unsure) field (int): the array field (0 for points, 1 for cells, 2 for field, and 6 for row) name (int): the name of the array """ if self.__input_array[0] != field: self.__input_array[0] = field self.Modified() if self.__input_array[1] != name: self.__input_array[1] = name self.Modified() return 1
[docs] def apply(self, input_data_object, array_name): """Run the algorithm on the input data object, specifying the array name to extract. """ self.SetInputDataObject(input_data_object) arr, field = _helpers.search_for_array(input_data_object, array_name) self.SetInputArrayToProcess(0, 0, 0, field, array_name) self.Update() return pv.wrap(self.GetOutput())
[docs] class SplitTableOnArray(FilterBase): """A filter to separate table data based on the unique values of a given data array into a ``vtkMultiBlockDataSet``. """ __displayname__ = 'Split Table On Array' __category__ = 'filter' def __init__(self): FilterBase.__init__( self, nInputPorts=1, inputType='vtkTable', nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkMultiBlockDataSet', ) self.__input_array = [None, None]
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to generate output""" # Get input/output of Proxy table = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) # Get number of points output = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet.GetData(outInfo, 0) #### Perform task #### # Get input array field, name = self.__input_array[0], self.__input_array[1] wtbl = dsa.WrapDataObject(table) spliton = _helpers.get_numpy_array(wtbl, field, name) uniq = np.unique(spliton) # Split the input data based on indices df = interface.table_to_data_frame(table) blk = 0 output.SetNumberOfBlocks(len(uniq)) for val in uniq: temp = interface.data_frame_to_table(df[df[name] == val]) output.SetBlock(blk, temp) output.GetMetaData(blk).Set( vtk.vtkCompositeDataSet.NAME(), '{}{}'.format(name, val) ) blk += 1 return 1
[docs] def SetInputArrayToProcess(self, idx, port, connection, field, name): """Used to set the input array(s) Args: idx (int): the index of the array to process port (int): input port (use 0 if unsure) connection (int): the connection on the port (use 0 if unsure) field (int): the array field (0 for points, 1 for cells, 2 for field, and 6 for row) name (int): the name of the array """ if self.__input_array[0] != field: self.__input_array[0] = field self.Modified() if self.__input_array[1] != name: self.__input_array[1] = name self.Modified() return 1
[docs] def apply(self, input_data_object, array_name): """Run the algorithm on the input data object, specifying the array name to use for the split. """ self.SetInputDataObject(input_data_object) arr, field = _helpers.search_for_array(input_data_object, array_name) self.SetInputArrayToProcess(0, 0, 0, field, array_name) self.Update() return pv.wrap(self.GetOutput())
[docs] class AppendTableToCellData(FilterPreserveTypeBase): """Takes two inputs, a dataset to preserve and a table of data, where the data in the table is appended to the CellData of the input dataset. The 0th port is the dataset to preserve and the 1st port is a table who's rows will be appended as CellData to the 0th port. The number of rows in the table MUST match the number of cells in the input dataset. """ __displayname__ = 'Append Table to Cell Data' __category__ = 'filter' def __init__(self): FilterPreserveTypeBase.__init__(self, nInputPorts=2) self._preserve_port = 0 # ensure port 0's type is preserved self.__timesteps = None
[docs] def _update_time_steps(self): """For internal use only: appropriately sets the timesteps.""" # Use the inputs' timesteps: this merges the timesteps values tsAll = _helpers.get_combined_input_time_steps(self) # Use both inputs' time steps self.__timesteps = _helpers.update_time_steps(self, tsAll, explicit=True) return 1
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to generate output""" # Inputs from different ports: pdi0 = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) # Keep me! table = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 1, 0) # add my data to the input pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) # The output pdo.DeepCopy(pdi0) # Get number of rows nrows = table.GetNumberOfRows() ncells = pdo.GetNumberOfCells() if nrows != ncells: raise _helpers.PVGeoError( 'Number rows in table ({}) does not match number of cells ({})'.format( nrows, ncells ) ) for i in range(table.GetRowData().GetNumberOfArrays()): arr = table.GetRowData().GetArray(i) pdo.GetCellData().AddArray(arr) return 1
[docs] def RequestInformation(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to handle time variance""" self._update_time_steps() return 1
[docs] def apply(self, dataset, table): """Update the algorithm and get the output data object Args: dataset (vtkDataSet): Any dataset with CellData table (vtkTable): table of data values that will be appended to ``dataset``'s CellData Return: vtkDataSet: The appended dataset as a new object """ self.SetInputDataObject(0, dataset) self.SetInputDataObject(1, table) self.Update() return pv.wrap(self.GetOutput())
[docs] def get_time_step_values(self): """Use this in ParaView decorator to register timesteps.""" # if unset, force at least one attempt to set the timesteps if self.__timesteps is None: self._update_time_steps() # self.__timesteps should already be of type list return self.__timesteps if self.__timesteps is not None else None