Source code for PVGeo.filters.voxelize

"""This module provides a complicated algorithm for making voxels out of regularly
gridded points. Considering that this algorithm is rather complex, we are keeping
it in its own module until we can simplify it, clean up the code, and make it
capable of handling non-uniformly gridded points

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = 'Voxelize'

import numpy as np
import vtk
from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa
from vtk.util import numpy_support as nps

from .. import _helpers, interface
from ..base import FilterBase
from .xyz import RotationTool


[docs] class VoxelizePoints(FilterBase): """This makes a ``vtkUnstructuredGrid`` of scattered points given voxel sizes as input arrays. This assumes that the data is at least 2-Dimensional on the XY Plane. """ __displayname__ = 'Voxelize Points' __category__ = 'filter' def __init__(self, **kwargs): FilterBase.__init__( self, nInputPorts=1, inputType='vtkPointSet', nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkUnstructuredGrid', ) self.__dx = kwargs.get('dx', None) self.__dy = kwargs.get('dy', None) self.__dz = kwargs.get('dz', None) self.__estimate_grid = kwargs.get('estimate', True) self.__safe = kwargs.get('safe', 10.0) self.__unique = kwargs.get('unique', True) self.__tolerance = kwargs.get('tolerance', None) self.__angle = kwargs.get('angle', 0.0)
[docs] def add_field_data(self, grid): """An internal helper to add the recovered information as field data""" # Add angle a = vtk.vtkDoubleArray() a.SetName('Recovered Angle (Deg.)') a.SetNumberOfValues(1) a.SetValue(0, np.rad2deg(self.__angle)) grid.GetFieldData().AddArray(a) # Add cell sizes s = vtk.vtkDoubleArray() s.SetName('Recovered Cell Sizes') s.SetNumberOfComponents(3) s.InsertNextTuple3(self.__dx, self.__dy, self.__dz) grid.GetFieldData().AddArray(s) return grid
[docs] @staticmethod def add_cell_data(grid, arr, name): """Add a NumPy array as cell data to the given grid input""" c = interface.convert_array(arr, name=name) grid.GetCellData().AddArray(c) return grid
[docs] def estimate_uniform_spacing(self, x, y, z): """This assumes that the input points make up some sort of uniformly spaced grid on at least an XY plane. """ # TODO: implement ability to rotate around Z axis (think PoroTomo vs UTM) # TODO: implement way to estimate rotation if not (len(x) == len(y) == len(z)): raise AssertionError( 'Must have same number of coordinates for all components.' ) num = len(x) if num == 1: # Only one point.. use safe return x, y, z, self.__safe, self.__safe, self.__safe, 0.0 r = RotationTool() xr, yr, zr, dx, dy, angle = r.estimate_and_rotate(x, y, z) self.__angle = angle uz = np.diff(np.unique(z)) if len(uz) > 0: dz = np.average(uz) else: dz = self.__safe self.__dx = dx self.__dy = dy self.__dz = dz return xr, yr, zr
[docs] def points_to_grid(self, xo, yo, zo, dx, dy, dz, grid=None): """Convert XYZ points to a ``vtkUnstructuredGrid``.""" if grid is None: grid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() # TODO: Check dtypes on all arrays. Need to be floats if self.__estimate_grid: x, y, z = self.estimate_uniform_spacing(xo, yo, zo) else: x, y, z = xo, yo, zo dx, dy, dz = self.__dx, self.__dy, self.__dz if isinstance(dx, np.ndarray) and len(dx) != len(x): raise _helpers.PVGeoError( 'X-Cell spacings are not properly defined for all points.' ) if isinstance(dy, np.ndarray) and len(dy) != len(y): raise _helpers.PVGeoError( 'Y-Cell spacings are not properly defined for all points.' ) if isinstance(dz, np.ndarray) and len(dz) != len(z): raise _helpers.PVGeoError( 'Z-Cell spacings are not properly defined for all points.' ) n_cells = len(x) # Generate cell nodes for all points in data set # - Bottom c_n1 = np.stack(((x - dx / 2), (y - dy / 2), (z - dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n2 = np.stack(((x + dx / 2), (y - dy / 2), (z - dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n3 = np.stack(((x - dx / 2), (y + dy / 2), (z - dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n4 = np.stack(((x + dx / 2), (y + dy / 2), (z - dz / 2)), axis=1) # - Top c_n5 = np.stack(((x - dx / 2), (y - dy / 2), (z + dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n6 = np.stack(((x + dx / 2), (y - dy / 2), (z + dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n7 = np.stack(((x - dx / 2), (y + dy / 2), (z + dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n8 = np.stack(((x + dx / 2), (y + dy / 2), (z + dz / 2)), axis=1) # - Concatenate all_nodes = np.concatenate( (c_n1, c_n2, c_n3, c_n4, c_n5, c_n6, c_n7, c_n8), axis=0 ) pts = vtk.vtkPoints() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() if self.__unique: # Search for unique nodes and use the min cell size as the tolerance if self.__tolerance is None: TOLERANCE = np.min([dx, dy]) / 2.0 else: TOLERANCE = self.__tolerance # Round XY plane by the tolerance txy = np.around(all_nodes[:, 0:2] / TOLERANCE) all_nodes[:, 0:2] = txy unique_nodes, ind_nodes = np.unique(all_nodes, return_inverse=True, axis=0) unique_nodes[:, 0:2] *= TOLERANCE all_nodes = unique_nodes else: ind_nodes = np.arange(0, len(all_nodes), dtype=int) all_nodes[:, 0:2] = RotationTool.rotate(all_nodes[:, 0:2], -self.__angle) if self.__estimate_grid: self.add_field_data(grid) # Add unique nodes as points in output pts.SetData(interface.convert_array(all_nodes)) # Add cell vertices j = np.multiply(np.tile(np.arange(0, 8, 1), n_cells), n_cells) arridx = np.add(j, np.repeat(np.arange(0, n_cells, 1, dtype=int), 8)) ids = ind_nodes[arridx].reshape((n_cells, 8)) cells_mat = np.concatenate( (np.ones((ids.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int_) * ids.shape[1], ids), axis=1 ).ravel() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() cells.SetNumberOfCells(n_cells) cells.SetCells( n_cells, nps.numpy_to_vtk(cells_mat, deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_ID_TYPE) ) # Set the output grid.SetPoints(pts) grid.SetCells(vtk.VTK_VOXEL, cells) return grid
[docs] @staticmethod def _copy_arrays(pdi, pdo): """internal helper to copy arrays from point data to cell data in the voxels.""" for i in range(pdi.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays()): arr = pdi.GetPointData().GetArray(i) _helpers.add_array(pdo, 1, arr) # adds to CELL data return pdo
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to generate output""" # Get input/output of Proxy pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) # Perform task wpdi = dsa.WrapDataObject(pdi) pts = wpdi.Points x, y, z = pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], pts[:, 2] self.points_to_grid(x, y, z, self.__dx, self.__dy, self.__dz, grid=pdo) # Now append data to grid self._copy_arrays(pdi, pdo) return 1
#### Setters and Getters ####
[docs] def set_safe_size(self, safe): """A voxel size to use if a spacing cannot be determined for an axis""" if self.__safe != safe: self.__safe = safe self.Modified()
[docs] def set_delta_x(self, dx): """Set the X cells spacing Args: dx (float or np.array(floats)): the spacing(s) for the cells in the X-direction """ self.__dx = dx self.Modified()
[docs] def set_delta_y(self, dy): """Set the Y cells spacing Args: dy (float or np.array(floats)): the spacing(s) for the cells in the Y-direction """ self.__dy = dy self.Modified()
[docs] def set_delta_z(self, dz): """Set the Z cells spacing Args: dz (float or np.array(floats)): the spacing(s) for the cells in the Z-direction """ self.__dz = dz self.set_safe_size(np.min(dz)) self.Modified()
[docs] def set_deltas(self, dx, dy, dz): """Set the cell spacings for each axial direction Args: dx (float or np.array(floats)): the spacing(s) for the cells in the X-direction dy (float or np.array(floats)): the spacing(s) for the cells in the Y-direction dz (float or np.array(floats)): the spacing(s) for the cells in the Z-direction """ self.set_delta_x(dx) self.set_delta_y(dy) self.set_delta_z(dz)
[docs] def set_estimate_grid(self, flag): """Set a flag on whether or not to estimate the grid spacing/rotation""" if self.__estimate_grid != flag: self.__estimate_grid = flag self.Modified()
[docs] def set_unique(self, flag): """Set a flag on whether or not to try to elimate non unique elements""" if self.__unique != flag: self.__unique = flag self.Modified()
[docs] def get_angle(self, degrees=True): """Returns the recovered angle if set to recover the input grid. If the input points are rotated, then this angle will reflect a close approximation of that rotation. Args: degrees (bool): A flag on to return decimal degrees or radians. """ if degrees: return np.rad2deg(self.__angle) return self.__angle
[docs] def get_recovered_angle(self, degrees=True): """DEPRECATED: use `get_angle`""" return self.get_angle(degrees=degrees)
[docs] def set_angle(self, angle): """Set the rotation angle manually""" if self.__angle != angle: self.__angle = angle self.Modified()
[docs] def get_spacing(self): """Get the cell spacings""" return (self.__dx, self.__dy, self.__dz)