__all__ = [
__displayname__ = 'Transform'
import numpy as np
import vtk
from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa
from .. import _helpers, interface
from ..base import FilterBase
class TableToTimeGrid(FilterBase):
"""A filter to convert a static (no time variance) table to a time varying
grid. This effectively reashapes a table full of data arrays as a 4D array
that is placed onto the CellData of a ``vtkImageData`` object.
__displayname__ = 'Table To Time Grid'
__category__ = 'filter'
def __init__(
extent=(10, 10, 10, 1),
spacing=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
dims=(0, 1, 2, 3),
if len(extent) != 4:
raise _helpers.PVGeoError('`extent` must be of length 4.')
self.__extent = list(extent)
self.__dims = list(
) # these are indexes for the filter to use on the reshape.
# NOTE: self.__dims[0] is the x axis index, etc., self.__dims[3] is the time axis
self.__spacing = list(spacing) # image data spacing
self.__origin = list(origin) # image data origin
self.__order = order # unpacking order: 'C' or 'F'
self.__data = None # this is where we hold the data so entire filter does
# not execute on every time step. Data will be a dictionary of 4D arrays
# each 4D array will be in (nx, ny, nz, nt) shape
self.__needToRun = True
self.__timesteps = None
self.__dt = dt
# Optional parameter to switch between cell and point data
self.__usePointData = points
self.__needToUpdateOutput = True
def _set_data(self, table):
"""Internal helper to restructure the input table arrays"""
self.__data = dict()
dims = np.array([d for d in self.__dims])
sd = dims.argsort()
df = interface.table_to_data_frame(table)
keys = df.keys().tolist()
for k in keys:
# perform the reshape properly. using the user given extent
arr = np.reshape(np.array(df[k]), self.__extent, order=self.__order)
# Now order correctly for the image data spatial reference
# this uses the user specified dimension definitions
for i in range(4):
arr = np.moveaxis(arr, sd[i], dims[i])
# Now add to dictionary
self.__data[k] = arr
self.__needToRun = False
def _build_image_data(self, img):
"""Internal helper to construct the output"""
if self.__needToUpdateOutput:
# Clean out the output data object
self.__needToUpdateOutput = False
ext = self.__extent
dims = self.__dims
nx, ny, nz = ext[dims[0]], ext[dims[1]], ext[dims[2]]
if not self.__usePointData:
nx += 1
ny += 1
nz += 1
sx, sy, sz = self.__spacing[0], self.__spacing[1], self.__spacing[2]
ox, oy, oz = self.__origin[0], self.__origin[1], self.__origin[2]
img.SetDimensions(nx, ny, nz)
img.SetSpacing(sx, sy, sz)
img.SetOrigin(ox, oy, oz)
return img
def _update_time_steps(self):
"""For internal use only: appropriately sets the timesteps."""
nt = self.__extent[self.__dims[3]]
if nt > 1:
self.__timesteps = _helpers.update_time_steps(self, nt, self.__dt)
return 1
#### Algorithm Methods ####
def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo):
"""Used by pipeline to generate output"""
# Get input/output of Proxy
table = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0)
img = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0)
# Perform task
if self.__needToRun:
# Get requested time index
i = _helpers.get_requested_time(self, outInfo)
for k, arr in self.__data.items():
# NOTE: Keep order='F' because of the way the grid is already reshaped
# the 3D array has XYZ structure so VTK requires F ordering
narr = interface.convert_array(arr[:, :, :, i].flatten(order='F'), name=k)
if self.__usePointData:
return 1
#### Setters / Getters ####
def Modified(self, run_again=True):
"""Call modified if the filter needs to run again"""
if run_again:
self.__needToRun = run_again
self.__needToUpdateOutput = True
def modified(self, run_again=True):
"""Call modified if the filter needs to run again"""
return self.Modified(run_again=run_again)
def set_extent(self, nx, ny, nz, nt):
"""Set the extent of the output grid"""
if self.__extent != [nx, ny, nz, nt]:
self.__extent = [nx, ny, nz, nt]
def set_dimensions(self, x, y, z, t):
"""Set the dimensions of the output grid"""
if self.__dims != [x, y, z, t]:
self.__dims = [x, y, z, t]
def set_spacing(self, dx, dy, dz):
"""Set the spacing for the points along each axial direction"""
if self.__spacing != [dx, dy, dz]:
self.__spacing = [dx, dy, dz]
def set_origin(self, x0, y0, z0):
"""Set the origin of the output `vtkImageData`"""
if self.__origin != [x0, y0, z0]:
self.__origin = [x0, y0, z0]
def set_order(self, order):
"""Set the reshape order (`'C'` or `'F'`)"""
if self.__order != order:
self.__order = order
def get_time_step_values(self):
"""Use this in ParaView decorator to register timesteps on the pipeline."""
return self.__timesteps.tolist() if self.__timesteps is not None else None
def set_time_delta(self, dt):
"""An advanced property to set the time step in seconds."""
if dt != self.__dt:
self.__dt = dt
def set_use_points(self, flag):
"""Set whether or not to place the data on the nodes/cells of the grid.
True places data on nodes, false places data at cell centers (CellData).
In ParaView, switching can be a bit buggy: be sure to turn the visibility
of this data object OFF on the pipeline when changing between nodes/cells.
if self.__usePointData != flag:
self.__usePointData = flag
class ReverseImageDataAxii(FilterBase):
"""This filter will flip ``vtkImageData`` on any of the three cartesian axii.
A checkbox is provided for each axis on which you may desire to flip the data.
__displayname__ = 'Reverse Image Data Axii'
__category__ = 'filter'
def __init__(self, axes=(True, True, True)):
self.__axes = list(axes[::-1]) # Z Y X (FORTRAN)
def _reverse_grid_axes(self, idi, ido):
"""Internal helper to reverse data along specified axii"""
# Copy over input to output to be flipped around
# Deep copy keeps us from messing with the input data
ox, oy, oz = idi.GetOrigin()
ido.SetOrigin(ox, oy, oz)
sx, sy, sz = idi.GetSpacing()
ido.SetSpacing(sx, sy, sz)
ext = idi.GetExtent()
nx, ny, nz = ext[1] + 1, ext[3] + 1, ext[5] + 1
ido.SetDimensions(nx, ny, nz)
widi = dsa.WrapDataObject(idi)
# Iterate over all array in the PointData
for j in range(idi.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays()):
# Go through each axis and rotate if needed
arr = widi.PointData[j]
arr = np.reshape(arr, (nz, ny, nx))
for i in range(3):
if self.__axes[i]:
arr = np.flip(arr, axis=i)
# Now add that data array to the output
data = interface.convert_array(
arr.flatten(), name=idi.GetPointData().GetArrayName(j)
# Iterate over all array in the CellData
for j in range(idi.GetCellData().GetNumberOfArrays()):
# Go through each axis and rotate if needed
arr = widi.CellData[j]
arr = np.reshape(arr, (nz - 1, ny - 1, nx - 1))
for i in range(3):
if self.__axes[i]:
arr = np.flip(arr, axis=i)
# Now add that data array to the output
data = interface.convert_array(
arr.flatten(), name=idi.GetCellData().GetArrayName(j)
return ido
def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo):
"""Used by pipeline to generate output."""
# Get input/output of Proxy
pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0)
pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0)
# Perform task
self._reverse_grid_axes(pdi, pdo)
return 1
#### Seters and Geters ####
def set_flip_x(self, flag):
"""Set the filter to flip th input data along the X-axis"""
if self.__axes[2] != flag:
self.__axes[2] = flag
def set_flip_y(self, flag):
"""Set the filter to flip th input data along the Y-axis"""
if self.__axes[1] != flag:
self.__axes[1] = flag
def set_flip_z(self, flag):
"""Set the filter to flip th input data along the Z-axis"""
if self.__axes[0] != flag:
self.__axes[0] = flag
# ---- Translate Grid Origin ----#
class TranslateGridOrigin(FilterBase):
"""This filter will translate the origin of `vtkImageData` to any specified
Corner of the data set assuming it is currently in the South West Bottom
Corner (will not work if Corner was moved prior).
__displayname__ = 'Translate Grid Origin'
__category__ = 'filter'
def __init__(self, corner=1):
self.__corner = corner
def _translate(self, pdi, pdo):
"""Internal helper to translate the inputs origin"""
if pdo is None:
pdo = vtk.vtkImageData()
[nx, ny, nz] = pdi.GetDimensions()
[sx, sy, sz] = pdi.GetSpacing()
[ox, oy, oz] = pdi.GetOrigin()
xx, yy, zz = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
if self.__corner == 1:
# South East Bottom
xx = ox - (nx - 1) * sx
yy = oy
zz = oz
elif self.__corner == 2:
# North West Bottom
xx = ox
yy = oy - (ny - 1) * sy
zz = oz
elif self.__corner == 3:
# North East Bottom
xx = ox - (nx - 1) * sx
yy = oy - (ny - 1) * sy
zz = oz
elif self.__corner == 4:
# South West Top
xx = ox
yy = oy
zz = oz - (nz - 1) * sz
elif self.__corner == 5:
# South East Top
xx = ox - (nx - 1) * sx
yy = oy
zz = oz - (nz - 1) * sz
elif self.__corner == 6:
# North West Top
xx = ox
yy = oy - (ny - 1) * sy
zz = oz - (nz - 1) * sz
elif self.__corner == 7:
# North East Top
xx = ox - (nx - 1) * sx
yy = oy - (ny - 1) * sy
zz = oz - (nz - 1) * sz
pdo.SetOrigin(xx, yy, zz)
return pdo
def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo):
"""Used by pipeline to generate output."""
# Get input/output of Proxy
pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0)
pdo = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0)
# Perform task
self._translate(pdi, pdo)
return 1
#### Seters and Geters ####
def set_corner(self, corner):
"""Set the corner to use
corner (int) : corner location; see note.
* 1: South East Bottom
* 2: North West Bottom
* 3: North East Bottom
* 4: South West Top
* 5: South East Top
* 6: North West Top
* 7: North East Top
if self.__corner != corner:
self.__corner = corner