__all__ = [
__displayname__ = 'Tensor Mesh'
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import vtk
from .. import _helpers, interface
from ..base import AlgorithmBase
from .two_file_base import ModelAppenderBase, ubcMeshReaderBase
if sys.version_info < (3,):
from StringIO import StringIO
from io import StringIO
class TensorMeshReader(ubcMeshReaderBase):
"""UBC Mesh 2D/3D models are defined using a 2-file format. The "mesh" file
describes how the data is discretized. The "model" file lists the physical
property values for all cells in a mesh. A model file is meaningless without
an associated mesh file. The reader will automatically detect if the mesh is
2D or 3D and read the remainder of the data with that dimensionality
assumption. If the mesh file is 2D, then then model file must also be in the
2D format (same for 3D).
Model File is optional. Reader will still construct
``vtkRectilinearGrid`` safely.
__displayname__ = 'UBC Tensor Mesh Reader'
__category__ = 'reader'
description = 'PVGeo: UBC Mesh 2D/3D Two-File Format'
def __init__(self, nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkRectilinearGrid', **kwargs):
self, nOutputPorts=nOutputPorts, outputType=outputType, **kwargs
self.__mesh = vtk.vtkRectilinearGrid()
self.__models = []
def place_model_on_mesh(mesh, model, data_name='Data'):
"""Places model data onto a mesh. This is for the UBC Grid data readers
to associate model data with the mesh grid.
mesh (vtkRectilinearGrid): The ``vtkRectilinearGrid`` that is the
mesh to place the model data upon.
model (np.array): A NumPy float array that holds all of the data to
place inside of the mesh's cells.
data_name (str) : The name of the model data array once placed on the
vtkRectilinearGrid :
Returns the input ``vtkRectilinearGrid`` with model data appended.
if isinstance(model, dict):
for key in model.keys():
TensorMeshReader.place_model_on_mesh(mesh, model[key], data_name=key)
return mesh
# model.GetNumberOfValues() if model is vtkDataArray
# Make sure this model file fits the dimensions of the mesh
ext = mesh.GetExtent()
n1, n2, n3 = ext[1], ext[3], ext[5]
if n1 * n2 * n3 < len(model):
raise _helpers.PVGeoError(
'Model `%s` has more data than the given mesh has cells to hold.'
% data_name
elif n1 * n2 * n3 > len(model):
raise _helpers.PVGeoError(
'Model `%s` does not have enough data to fill the given mesh\'s cells.'
% data_name
# Swap axes because VTK structures the coordinates a bit differently
# - This is absolutely crucial!
# - Do not play with unless you know what you are doing!
if model.ndim > 1 and model.ndim < 3:
ncomp = model.shape[1]
model = np.reshape(model, (n1, n2, n3, ncomp))
model = np.swapaxes(model, 0, 1)
model = np.swapaxes(model, 0, 2)
# Now reverse Z axis
model = model[::-1, :, :, :] # Note it is in Fortran ordering
model = np.reshape(model, (n1 * n2 * n3, ncomp))
model = np.reshape(model, (n1, n2, n3))
model = np.swapaxes(model, 0, 1)
model = np.swapaxes(model, 0, 2)
# Now reverse Z axis
model = model[::-1, :, :] # Note it is in Fortran ordering
model = model.flatten()
# Convert data to VTK data structure and append to output
c = interface.convert_array(model, name=data_name, deep=True)
# THIS IS CELL DATA! Add the model data to CELL data:
return mesh
# ------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ---------------------- UBC MESH 2D ------------------------#
# ------------------------------------------------------------------#
def ubc_mesh_2d(FileName, output):
"""This method reads a UBC 2D Mesh file and builds an empty
``vtkRectilinearGrid`` for data to be inserted into. `Format Specs`_.
.. _Format Specs: http://giftoolscookbook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/fileFormats/mesh2Dfile.html
FileName (str) : The mesh filename as an absolute path for the input
mesh file in UBC 3D Mesh Format.
output (vtkRectilinearGrid) : The output data object
vtkRectilinearGrid :
a ``vtkRectilinearGrid`` generated from the UBC 3D Mesh grid.
Mesh is defined by the input mesh file.
No data attributes here, simply an empty mesh. Use the
``place_model_on_mesh()`` method to associate with model data.
# Read in data from file
xpts, xdisc, zpts, zdisc = ubcMeshReaderBase._ubc_mesh_2d_part(FileName)
nx = np.sum(np.array(xdisc, dtype=int)) + 1
nz = np.sum(np.array(zdisc, dtype=int)) + 1
# Now generate the vtkRectilinear Grid
def _genCoords(pts, disc, z=False):
c = [float(pts[0])]
for i in range(len(pts) - 1):
start = float(pts[i])
stop = float(pts[i + 1])
num = int(disc[i])
w = (stop - start) / num
for j in range(1, num):
c.append(start + (j) * w)
c = np.array(c, dtype=float)
if z:
c = -c[::-1]
return interface.convert_array(c, deep=True)
xcoords = _genCoords(xpts, xdisc)
zcoords = _genCoords(zpts, zdisc, z=True)
ycoords = interface.convert_array(np.zeros(1), deep=True)
output.SetDimensions(nx, 2, nz) # note this subtracts 1
return output
def ubc_model_2d(FileName):
"""Reads a 2D model file and returns a 1D NumPy float array. Use the
``place_model_on_mesh()`` method to associate with a grid.
Only supports single component data
FileName (str) : The model filename as an absolute path for the
input model file in UBCMesh Model Format. Also accepts a list of
string file names.
np.array :
a NumPy float array that holds the model data read from
the file. Use the ``place_model_on_mesh()`` method to associate
with a grid. If a list of file names is given then it will
return a dictionary of NumPy float array with keys as the
basenames of the files.
if isinstance(FileName, (list, tuple)):
out = {}
for f in FileName:
out[os.path.basename(f)] = TensorMeshReader.ubc_model_2d(f)
return out
dim = np.genfromtxt(
FileName, dtype=int, delimiter=None, comments='!', max_rows=1
names = ['col%d' % i for i in range(dim[0])]
df = pd.read_csv(
FileName, names=names, sep=r'\s+', skiprows=1, comment='!'
data = df.values
if np.shape(data)[0] != dim[1] and np.shape(data)[1] != dim[0]:
raise _helpers.PVGeoError('Mode file `%s` improperly formatted.' % FileName)
return data.flatten(order='F')
def __ubc_mesh_data_2d(self, filename_mesh, filename_models, output):
"""Helper method to read a 2D mesh"""
# Construct/read the mesh
if self.need_to_readMesh():
TensorMeshReader.ubc_mesh_2d(filename_mesh, self.__mesh)
if self.need_to_readModels() and self.this_has_models():
self.__models = []
for f in filename_models:
# Read the model data
return output
# ------------------------------------------------------------------#
# ---------------------- UBC MESH 3D ------------------------#
# ------------------------------------------------------------------#
def ubc_mesh_3d(FileName, output):
"""This method reads a UBC 3D Mesh file and builds an empty
``vtkRectilinearGrid`` for data to be inserted into.
FileName (str) : The mesh filename as an absolute path for the input
mesh file in UBC 3D Mesh Format.
output (vtkRectilinearGrid) : The output data object
vtkRectilinearGrid :
a ``vtkRectilinearGrid`` generated from the UBC 3D Mesh grid.
Mesh is defined by the input mesh file.
No data attributes here, simply an empty mesh. Use the
``place_model_on_mesh()`` method to associate with model data.
# --- Read in the mesh ---#
fileLines = np.genfromtxt(FileName, dtype=str, delimiter='\n', comments='!')
# Get mesh dimensions
dim = np.array(fileLines[0].split('!')[0].split(), dtype=int)
dim = (dim[0] + 1, dim[1] + 1, dim[2] + 1)
# The origin corner (Southwest-top)
# - Remember UBC format specifies down as the positive Z
# - Easting, Northing, Altitude
oo = np.array(fileLines[1].split('!')[0].split(), dtype=float)
ox, oy, oz = oo[0], oo[1], oo[2]
# Read cell sizes for each line in the UBC mesh files
def _readCellLine(line):
line_list = []
for seg in line.split():
if '*' in seg:
sp = seg.split('*')
seg_arr = np.ones((int(sp[0]),), dtype=float) * float(sp[1])
seg_arr = np.array([float(seg)], dtype=float)
return np.concatenate(line_list)
# Read the cell sizes
cx = _readCellLine(fileLines[2].split('!')[0])
cy = _readCellLine(fileLines[3].split('!')[0])
cz = _readCellLine(fileLines[4].split('!')[0])
# Invert the indexing of the vector to start from the bottom.
cz = cz[::-1]
# Adjust the reference point to the bottom south west corner
oz = oz - np.sum(cz)
# Now generate the coordinates for from cell width and origin
cox = ox + np.cumsum(cx)
cox = np.insert(cox, 0, ox)
coy = oy + np.cumsum(cy)
coy = np.insert(coy, 0, oy)
coz = oz + np.cumsum(cz)
coz = np.insert(coz, 0, oz)
# Set the dims and coordinates for the output
output.SetDimensions(dim[0], dim[1], dim[2])
# Convert to VTK array for setting coordinates
output.SetXCoordinates(interface.convert_array(cox, deep=True))
output.SetYCoordinates(interface.convert_array(coy, deep=True))
output.SetZCoordinates(interface.convert_array(coz, deep=True))
return output
def __ubc_mesh_data_3d(self, filename_mesh, filename_models, output):
"""Helper method to read a 3D mesh"""
# Construct/read the mesh
if self.need_to_readMesh():
TensorMeshReader.ubc_mesh_3d(filename_mesh, self.__mesh)
if self.need_to_readModels() and self.this_has_models():
self.__models = []
for f in filename_models:
# Read the model data
return output
def __ubc_tensor_mesh(self, filename_mesh, filename_models, output):
"""Wrapper to Read UBC GIF 2D and 3D meshes. UBC Mesh 2D/3D models are
defined using a 2-file format. The "mesh" file describes how the data is
descritized. The "model" file lists the physical property values for all
cells in a mesh. A model file is meaningless without an associated mesh
file. If the mesh file is 2D, then then model file must also be in the
2D format (same for 3D).
filename_mesh (str) : The mesh filename as an absolute path for the
input mesh file in UBC 2D/3D Mesh Format
filename_models (str or list(str)) : The model filename(s) as an
absolute path for the input model file in UBC 2D/3D Model Format.
output (vtkRectilinearGrid) : The output data object
vtkRectilinearGrid :
a ``vtkRectilinearGrid`` generated from the UBC 2D/3D Mesh grid.
Mesh is defined by the input mesh file.
Cell data is defined by the input model file.
# Check if the mesh is a UBC 2D mesh
if self.is_2d():
self.__ubc_mesh_data_2d(filename_mesh, filename_models, output)
# Check if the mesh is a UBC 3D mesh
elif self.is_3d():
self.__ubc_mesh_data_3d(filename_mesh, filename_models, output)
raise _helpers.PVGeoError('File format not recognized')
return output
def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo):
"""Handles data request by the pipeline."""
# Get output:
output = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0)
# Get requested time index
i = _helpers.get_requested_time(self, outInfo)
self.get_mesh_filename(), self.get_model_filenames(), output
# Place the model data for given timestep onto the mesh
if len(self.__models) > i:
output, self.__models[i], self.get_data_name()
return 1
def clear_mesh(self):
"""Use to clean/rebuild the mesh"""
self.__mesh = vtk.vtkRectilinearGrid()
def clear_models(self):
"""Use to clean the models and reread"""
self.__models = []
class TensorMeshAppender(ModelAppenderBase):
"""This filter reads a timeseries of models and appends it to an input
__displayname__ = 'UBC Tensor Mesh Appender'
__category__ = 'filter'
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def _read_up_front(self):
"""Internal helepr to read data at start"""
reader = ubcMeshReaderBase.ubc_model_3d
if not self._is_3D:
# Note how in UBC format, 2D grids are specified on an XZ plane (no Y component)
# This will only work prior to rotations to account for real spatial reference
reader = TensorMeshReader.ubc_model_2d
self._models = []
for f in self._model_filenames:
# Read the model data
def _place_on_mesh(self, output, idx=0):
"""Internal helepr to place a model on the mesh for a given index"""
output, self._models[idx], self.get_data_name()
class TopoMeshAppender(AlgorithmBase):
"""This filter reads a single discrete topography file and appends it as a
boolean data array.
__displayname__ = 'Append UBC Discrete Topography'
__category__ = 'filter'
def __init__(
self, inputType='vtkRectilinearGrid', outputType='vtkRectilinearGrid', **kwargs
self._topoFileName = kwargs.get('filename', None)
self.__indices = None
self.__need_to_read = True
self.__ne, self.__nn = None, None
def need_to_read(self, flag=None):
"""Ask self if the reader needs to read the files again
flag (bool): if the flag is set then this method will set the read
The status of the reader aspect of the filter.
if flag is not None and isinstance(flag, (bool, int)):
self.__need_to_read = flag
return self.__need_to_read
def Modified(self, read_again=True):
"""Call modified if the files needs to be read again."""
if read_again:
self.__need_to_read = read_again
def modified(self, read_again=True):
"""Call modified if the files needs to be read again."""
return self.Modified(read_again=read_again)
def _read_up_front(self):
"""Internal helepr to read data at start"""
# Read the file
content = np.genfromtxt(
self._topoFileName, dtype=str, delimiter='\n', comments='!'
dim = content[0].split()
self.__ne, self.__nn = int(dim[0]), int(dim[1])
self.__indices = pd.read_csv(
names=['i', 'j', 'k'],
# NOTE: K indices are inverted
def _place_on_mesh(self, output):
"""Internal helepr to place an active cells model on the mesh"""
# Check mesh extents to math topography
nx, ny, nz = output.GetDimensions()
nx, ny, nz = nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1 # because GetDimensions counts the nodes
topz = np.max(self.__indices['k']) + 1
if nx != self.__nn or ny != self.__ne or topz > nz:
raise _helpers.PVGeoError(
'Dimension mismatch between input grid and topo file.'
# # Adjust the k indices to be in the cartesian system
# self.__indices['k'] = nz - self.__indices['k']
# Fill out the topo and add it as model as it will be in UBC format
# Create a 3D array of 1s and zeros (1 means beneath topo or active)
topo = np.empty((ny, nx, nz), dtype=float)
topo[:] = np.nan
for row in self.__indices.values:
i, j, k = row
topo[i, j, k + 1 :] = 0
topo[i, j, : k + 1] = 1
# Add as model... ``place_model_on_mesh`` handles the rest
output, topo.flatten(), 'Active Topography'
def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo):
"""Used by pipeline to generate output"""
# Get input/output of Proxy
pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0)
output = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0)
output.DeepCopy(pdi) # ShallowCopy if you want changes to propagate upstream
# Perform task:
if self.__need_to_read:
# Place the model data for given timestep onto the mesh
return 1
#### Setters and Getters ####
def clear_topo_file(self):
"""Use to clear data file name."""
self._topoFileName = None
def set_topo_filename(self, filename):
"""Use to set the file names for the reader. Handles single strings only"""
if filename is None:
return # do nothing if None is passed by a constructor on accident
elif isinstance(filename, str) and self._topoFileName != filename:
self._topoFileName = filename
return 1
# import numpy as np
# indices = np.array([[0,0,1],
# [0,1,1],
# [0,2,1],
# [1,0,1],
# [1,1,1],
# [1,2,1],
# [2,0,1],
# [2,1,1],
# [2,2,1],
# ])
# topo = np.empty((3,3,3), dtype=float)
# topo[:] = np.nan
# for row in indices:
# i, j, k = row
# topo[i, j, k:] = 0
# topo[i, j, :k] = 1
# topo