Source code for PVGeo.ubc.two_file_base

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = 'Base Classes'

# Outside Imports:
import os

import numpy as np
import vtk

from .. import _helpers, base


# UBC Mesh Reader Base
[docs] class ubcMeshReaderBase(base.TwoFileReaderBase): """A base class for the UBC mesh readers""" __displayname__ = 'UBC Mesh Reader Base' __category__ = 'base' extensions = 'mesh msh dat txt text' def __init__(self, nOutputPorts=1, outputType='vtkUnstructuredGrid', **kwargs): base.TwoFileReaderBase.__init__( self, nOutputPorts=nOutputPorts, outputType=outputType, **kwargs ) self.__data_name = 'Data' self.__use_filename = True # flag on whether or not to use the model file # extension as data name # For keeping track of type (2D vs 3D) self.__sizeM = None
[docs] def is_3d(self): """Returns true if mesh is spatially referenced in three dimensions""" return self.__sizeM.shape[0] >= 3
[docs] def is_2d(self): """Returns true if mesh is spatially referenced in only two dimensions""" return self.__sizeM.shape[0] == 1
[docs] @staticmethod def _ubc_mesh_2d_part(FileName): """Internal helper to read 2D mesh file""" # This is a helper method to read file contents of mesh try: fileLines = np.genfromtxt(FileName, dtype=str, delimiter='\n', comments='!') except (IOError, OSError) as fe: raise _helpers.PVGeoError(str(fe)) def _genTup(sft, n): # This reads in the data for a dimension pts = [] disc = [] for i in range(n): ln = fileLines[i + sft].split('!')[0].split() if i == 0: o = ln[0] pts.append(o) ln = [ln[1], ln[2]] pts.append(ln[0]) disc.append(ln[1]) return pts, disc # Get the number of lines for each dimension nx = int(fileLines[0].split('!')[0]) nz = int(fileLines[nx + 1].split('!')[0]) # Get the origins and tups for both dimensions xpts, xdisc = _genTup(1, nx) zpts, zdisc = _genTup(2 + nx, nz) return xpts, xdisc, zpts, zdisc
[docs] def _read_extent(self): """Reads the mesh file for the UBC 2D/3D Mesh or OcTree format to get output extents. Computationally inexpensive method to discover whole output extent. Return: tuple(int) : This returns a tuple of the whole extent for the grid to be made of the input mesh file (0,n1-1, 0,n2-1, 0,n3-1). This output should be directly passed to set the whole output extent. """ # Read the mesh file as line strings, remove lines with comment = ! v = np.array(np.__version__.split('.')[0:2], dtype=int) FileName = self.get_mesh_filename() try: if v[0] >= 1 and v[1] >= 10: # max_rows in numpy versions >= 1.10 msh = np.genfromtxt( FileName, delimiter='\n', dtype=str, comments='!', max_rows=1 ) else: # This reads whole file :( msh = np.genfromtxt( FileName, delimiter='\n', dtype=str, comments='!' )[0] except (IOError, OSError) as fe: raise _helpers.PVGeoError(str(fe)) # Fist line is the size of the model self.__sizeM = np.array(msh.ravel()[0].split(), dtype=int) # Check if the mesh is a UBC 2D mesh if self.__sizeM.shape[0] == 1: # Read in data from file xpts, xdisc, zpts, zdisc = ubcMeshReaderBase._ubc_mesh_2d_part(FileName) nx = np.sum(np.array(xdisc, dtype=int)) + 1 nz = np.sum(np.array(zdisc, dtype=int)) + 1 return (0, nx, 0, 1, 0, nz) # Check if the mesh is a UBC 3D mesh or OcTree elif self.__sizeM.shape[0] >= 3: # Get mesh dimensions dim = self.__sizeM[0:3] ne, nn, nz = dim[0], dim[1], dim[2] return (0, ne, 0, nn, 0, nz) else: raise _helpers.PVGeoError('File format not recognized')
[docs] @staticmethod def ubc_model_3d(FileName): """Reads the 3D model file and returns a 1D NumPy float array. Use the place_model_on_mesh() method to associate with a grid. Args: FileName (str) : The model file name(s) as an absolute path for the input model file in UBC 3D Model Model Format. Also accepts a `list` of string file names. Return: np.array : Returns a NumPy float array that holds the model data read from the file. Use the ``place_model_on_mesh()`` method to associate with a grid. If a list of file names is given then it will return a dictionary of NumPy float array with keys as the basenames of the files. """ # Check if recurssion needed if isinstance(FileName, (list, tuple)): out = {} for f in FileName: out[os.path.basename(f)] = ubcMeshReaderBase.ubc_model_3d(f) return out # Perform IO try: data = np.genfromtxt(FileName, dtype=float, comments='!') except (IOError, OSError) as fe: raise _helpers.PVGeoError(str(fe)) return data
[docs] def set_use_filename(self, flag): """Set a flag on whether or not to use the filename as the data array name""" if self.__use_filename != flag: self.__use_filename = flag self.Modified(read_again_mesh=False, read_again_models=False)
[docs] def set_data_name(self, name): """Set the data array name""" if name == '': self.__use_filename = True self.Modified(read_again_mesh=False, read_again_models=False) elif self.__data_name != name: self.__data_name = name self.__use_filename = False self.Modified(read_again_mesh=False, read_again_models=False)
[docs] def get_data_name(self): """Get the data array name""" if self.__use_filename: mname = self.get_model_filenames(idx=0) return os.path.basename(mname) return self.__data_name
############################################################################### # UBC Model Appender Base
[docs] class ModelAppenderBase(base.AlgorithmBase): """A base class for create mesh-model appenders on the UBC Mesh formats""" __displayname__ = 'Model Appender Base' __category__ = 'base' def __init__( self, inputType='vtkRectilinearGrid', outputType='vtkRectilinearGrid', **kwargs ): base.AlgorithmBase.__init__( self, nInputPorts=1, inputType=inputType, nOutputPorts=1, outputType=outputType, ) self._model_filenames = kwargs.get('model_files', []) self.__data_name = kwargs.get('dataname', 'Appended Data') self.__use_filename = True self._models = [] self.__need_to_read = True self._is_3D = None # For the VTK/ParaView pipeline self.__dt = kwargs.get('dt', 1.0) self.__timesteps = None self.__last_successfull_index = ( 0 # This is the index to use if the current timestep is unavailable )
[docs] def need_to_read(self, flag=None): """Ask self if the reader needs to read the files again Args: flag (bool): if the flag is set then this method will set the read status Return: bool: The status of the reader aspect of the filter. """ if flag is not None and isinstance(flag, (bool, int)): self.__need_to_read = flag self._update_time_steps() return self.__need_to_read
[docs] def Modified(self, read_again=True): """Call modified if the files needs to be read again again.""" if read_again: self.__need_to_read = read_again base.AlgorithmBase.Modified(self)
[docs] def modified(self, read_again=True): """Call modified if the files needs to be read again again.""" return self.Modified(read_again=read_again)
[docs] def _update_time_steps(self): """For internal use only: appropriately sets the timesteps.""" # Use the inputs' timesteps: this merges the timesteps values ts0 = _helpers.get_input_time_steps(self, port=0) if ts0 is None: ts0 = np.array([]) ts1 = _helpers._calculate_time_range(len(self._model_filenames), self.__dt) tsAll = np.unique(np.concatenate((ts0, ts1), 0)) # Use both inputs' time steps self.__timesteps = _helpers.update_time_steps(self, tsAll, explicit=True) return 1
[docs] def _read_up_front(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _place_on_mesh(self, output, idx=0): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to generate output""" # Get input/output of Proxy pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) output = self.GetOutputData(outInfo, 0) output.DeepCopy(pdi) # ShallowCopy if you want changes to propagate upstream # Get requested time index i = _helpers.get_requested_time(self, outInfo) # Perform task: if self.__need_to_read: self._read_up_front() # Place the model data for given timestep onto the mesh if len(self._models) > i: self._place_on_mesh(output, idx=i) self.__last_successfull_index = i else: # put the last array as a placeholder self._place_on_mesh(output, idx=self.__last_successfull_index) return 1
[docs] def RequestInformation(self, request, inInfo, outInfo): """Used by pipeline to handle time variance and update output extents""" self._update_time_steps() pdi = self.GetInputData(inInfo, 0, 0) # Determine if 2D or 3D and read if isinstance(pdi, vtk.vtkRectilinearGrid) and pdi.GetExtent()[3] == 1: self._is_3D = False else: self._is_3D = True return 1
#### Setters and Getters ####
[docs] def has_models(self): """Return True if models are associated with this mesh""" return len(self._model_filenames) > 0
[docs] def get_time_step_values(self): """Use this in ParaView decorator to register timesteps.""" # if unset, force at least one attempt to set the timesteps if self.__timesteps is None: self._update_time_steps() return self.__timesteps if self.__timesteps is not None else None
[docs] def clear_models(self): """Use to clear data file names.""" self._model_filenames = [] self._models = [] self.Modified(read_again=True)
[docs] def add_model_file_name(self, filename): """Use to set the file names for the reader. Handles single string or list of strings. """ if filename is None: return # do nothing if None is passed by a constructor on accident elif isinstance(filename, (list, tuple)): for f in filename: self.add_model_file_name(f) self.Modified() elif filename not in self._model_filenames: self._model_filenames.append(filename) self.Modified() return 1
[docs] def get_model_filenames(self, idx=None): """Returns the list of file names or given and index returns a specified timestep's filename. """ if idx is None or not self.has_models(): return self._model_filenames return self._model_filenames[idx]
[docs] def set_use_filename(self, flag): """Set a flag on whether or not to use the filename as the data array name""" if self.__use_filename != flag: self.__use_filename = flag self.Modified(read_again=False)
[docs] def set_data_name(self, name): """Set the data array name""" if name == '': self.__use_filename = True self.Modified(read_again=False) elif self.__data_name != name: self.__data_name = name self.__use_filename = False self.Modified(read_again=False)
[docs] def get_data_name(self): """Get the data array name""" if self.__use_filename: mname = self.get_model_filenames(idx=0) return os.path.basename(mname) return self.__data_name