Source code for PVGeo.gslib.gslib

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = 'GSLib/GeoEAS File I/O'

import numpy as np

from .. import _helpers, interface
from ..base import WriterBase
from ..readers import DelimitedPointsReaderBase, DelimitedTextReader

class _GSLibReaderMethods(object):
    """A helper class to handle overriding of delimited text reading methods
    for all GSLib readers."""

    # NOTE: order of inheritance matters A LOT!
    _header = None
    extensions = 'sgems dat geoeas gslib GSLIB txt SGEMS SGeMS'

    def _extract_header(self, content):
        self._header = content[0]
            num = int(content[1])  # number of data columns
        except ValueError:
            raise _helpers.PVGeoError('This file is not in proper GSLIB format.')
        titles = [ln.rstrip('\r\n') for ln in content[2: 2 + num]]
        return titles, content[2 + num::]

    #### Seters and Geters ####

    def get_file_header(self):
        """Returns the file header. If file hasn't been read, returns ``None``"""
        return self._header

[docs] class GSLibReader(_GSLibReaderMethods, DelimitedTextReader): """Reads a GSLIB file format to a ``vtkTable``. The GSLIB file format has headers lines followed by the data as a space delimited ASCI file (this filter is set up to allow you to choose any single character delimiter). The first header line is the title and will be printed to the console. This line may have the dimensions for a grid to be made of the data. The second line is the number (n) of columns of data. The next n lines are the variable names for the data in each column. You are allowed up to ten characters for the variable name. The data follow with a space between each field (column). """ __displayname__ = 'GSLib Table Reader' __category__ = 'reader' description = 'PVGeo: GSLib Table' def __init__(self, outputType='vtkTable', **kwargs): DelimitedTextReader.__init__(self, outputType=outputType, **kwargs) self.set_split_on_white_space(True)
[docs] class GSLibPointSetReader(_GSLibReaderMethods, DelimitedPointsReaderBase): """Reads a GSLib point set file where the first three columns are the XYZ coordinates and the remainder of the data is consistent with the :class:`GSLibReader` specifications.""" __displayname__ = 'GSLib Point Set Reader' __category__ = 'reader' description = 'PVGeo: GSLib Point Set' extensions = _GSLibReaderMethods.extensions + 'gslibpts ptset gpts' def __init__(self, **kwargs): DelimitedPointsReaderBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.set_split_on_white_space(True)
[docs] class WriteTableToGSLib(WriterBase): """Write the row data in a ``vtkTable`` to the GSLib Format""" __displayname__ = 'Write ``vtkTable`` To GSLib Format' __category__ = 'writer' def __init__(self, inputType='vtkTable'): WriterBase.__init__(self, inputType=inputType, ext='gslib') self._header = 'Data saved by PVGeo'
[docs] def perform_write_out(self, input_data_object, filename, object_name): """Write out the input data object to the GSLib file format""" # Get the input data object table = input_data_object numArrs = table.GetRowData().GetNumberOfArrays() arrs = [] titles = [] # Get data arrays for i in range(numArrs): vtkarr = table.GetRowData().GetArray(i) arrs.append(interface.convert_array(vtkarr)) titles.append(vtkarr.GetName()) header = '%s\n' % self._header header += '%d\n' % len(titles) datanames = '\n'.join(titles) header += datanames arrs = np.array(arrs).T np.savetxt(filename, arrs, comments='', header=header, fmt=self.get_format()) return 1
[docs] def set_header(self, header): """Set the file header string""" if self._header != header: self._header = header self.Modified()