Extract Array to Table

This example will demonstrate how to extract an array from any input data set to make a pyvista.Table of that single data array. Aftwards, we plot a histogram of that data array.

This example demos PVGeo.filters.ExtractArray

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyvista import examples

from PVGeo.filters import ExtractArray

Create input data

dataset = examples.download_st_helens()

Construct the filter

filt = ExtractArray()
# Define the array to extract
# Apply the filter on the input
table = filt.apply(dataset, "Elevation")
HeaderData Arrays
N Rows152709
N Arrays1
NameTypeN CompMinMax

extract array
(array([14075., 31732., 38605., 28616., 13749.,  9270.,  7174.,  4687.,
        3199.,  1602.]), array([ 682.        ,  868.09997559, 1054.19995117, 1240.30004883,
       1426.40002441, 1612.5       , 1798.60009766, 1984.70007324,
       2170.80004883, 2356.89990234, 2543.        ]), <BarContainer object of 10 artists>)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.617 seconds)

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